Saturday, January 5, 2013

Clay - representational

Working with clay again in class was fun, just as it was the first time. I did enjoy the move into representational sculpture and chose to work on the prompt of two animals showing affection. I decided to sculpt two cats snuggling as I have seen my husband’s parents’ two cats in such a position many a time.

It was more fun for me to sculpt something representational because I wasn’t as focused on getting the clay to look just right as I was on getting the shape of the thing I was sculpting to look just right. So even if there was an extra crease or fingerprint in the clay’s texture, I didn’t mind as much because that wasn’t my focus.

I like the idea of having the type of prompts we have had in class for kids in a classroom. I think they are specific enough yet still open-ended enough to allow for creativity but without too much ambiguity so students aren’t stressing over the fact that they don’t know what to do. I think it’s very helpful to provide some guidance but without overstepping into controlling what kids are allowed to make.

And as with anything, I realize that it’s so important in art to understand where your students are at stage-wise so as to create activities and projects for them to meet them where they are, not to push them too far into the next stage of their artistic development.

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